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有了社会工作的研究生学位,你能期待什么? Change for the better — for both you and the communities in which we live. Master of Social Work graduates from ladbrokes立博中文版 are leaders who focus on individuals and 家庭 to help build strong communities and societies. 有四个程序选项可供选择, you’ll delve into policy and 研究 and do extensive 实地考察 that gives you hands-on, 现实世界的经验. 还有什么更好的方法来学习和实践你的行业呢?

You can also take advantage of our partnership with UMass-Dartmouth to earn a Master of Social Work and a Juris Doctor degree in only seven years.







在过去的六年里,你是否获得了BSW学位? 高级课程是专门为你准备的两年制课程. 我们也提供全职, two-year option and a part-time 垃圾 program that can be completed in three or four years. 我们甚至提供三年的期限, part-time 垃圾 Saturday Hybrid Program to accommodate working professionals. 在任何情况下, your Master of Social Work courses will prepare you exceptionally well for a career in social work and related fields.



在波士顿州立大学的城市垃圾学位课程中,你永远不会迷失在人群中. We take pride in offering small classes to students in our social work graduate programs. With a more personalized approach and faculty fully committed to ensuring you take away valuable, 市场需要的技能, 你正处在事业成功的快车道上.

BSU Social Work graduate at work posing with his open laptop standing at a reception desk


仅仅了解政策是不够的. Our graduate students put into practice what they learn from their Master of Social Work courses.

所有社会工作研究生课程都要求 实地考察, 其中包括实习和在现实世界中的工作, 除了社会工作硕士课程之外. Plus, you’ll conduct 研究 as you build leadership skills and learn to work within systems.


你住在马萨诸塞州吗, or are you coming from out of town for our graduate degree in social work? You’ll find tuition for BSU’s Master of Social Work courses quite affordable. 这种方式, 当你毕业时, you’ll have less debt and be able to focus on building your career — and enjoying it.


在过去的三年里, BSU’s School of Social Work has received major grants to support graduate social work students. When a student is accepted to the School of Social Work as an 垃圾 student, they may complete and submit the application to be considered for available funding. 了解更多关于社会工作资助学校»


的 future can be especially bright for BSU Master of Social Work graduates. Students who graduate from our social work graduate programs find employment in a host of work environments, 包括学校, 医院, 法院系统和司法系统. Many even go on to teach to share their love for social work with other students.


为什么要在波士顿州立大学攻读社会工作研究生学位? Our program is fully accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). 我们的城市固体废物学位课程的基石是社会正义. 事实上, students and graduates of our Master of Social Work course understand the value of working together to bring about change to support social justice. All Master of Social Work students share our commitment by caring for diverse populations and strengthening the communities in which they live, 工作与学习.

Among the Master of Social Work courses you’ll enjoy are Dynamics of 多样性 and Oppression, 社会环境中人的行为与社会工作实践.


Click link below to reveal the program's admission requirements and program description.

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城市固体废物计划也可作为一个 兼职的选择. Under the part-time option, the 垃圾 program can be completed in either three or four years.


Our 垃圾 Saturday cohort option is designed to accommodate working professionals through an intensive hybrid cohort model. 了解更多有关 都市固体废物星期六队列选项.


研究生项目协调员: Dr. 温迪·尚皮尼·威廉姆斯


马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯法学院 and the ladbrokes立博中文版 School of Social Work have a shared vision of social justice and service to the people and communities of the region and are pleased to offer a joint program that allows students to simultaneously earn a master’s in social work and a juris doctor degree. Due to the ability to apply credits earned in one of the programs in the other, the amount of time to earn the joint degree is less than would without the joint program. 每个学生都会走自己的路, 考虑到他们选择的选修课, however they will be provided with a course of study that suggests optimal coursework allocations per semester.

的 joint JD/垃圾 program lets you integrate your social work studies and your law school education on either a full-time or part-time schedule, 课程提供在白天和晚上的时间. 这两个学位都可以在4年内全日制完成.5年,也可以通过参加暑期课程来加速. 非全日制学生通常在5到6年完成两个学位.5年,视暑期学习时间长短而定. 学生必须在7年内完成这两个学位. 垃圾 degrees are awarded by ladbrokes立博中文版 and JD degrees by 马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯法学院.

学生可以通过各种不同的方式来学习这个课程. 的y may choose to apply directly to both degree programs at their respective universities, 或者他们可以在以后的学习中选择双学位课程. 学生可以选择非全日制或全日制的城市生活垃圾部分. Students may start with either the law school or social work courses and then transition into a merged curriculum.

“在桥水的时光磨练了我的写作, 研究, 公众演讲, 临床, 宣传, 案例管理技能,并将其建立在文化意识之上, 道德的基础. I credit Bridgewater's 垃圾 program as the catalyst that enabled me to make a career change and to achieve the goals I set for myself when I applied to the program.”



作为一名拥有城市垃圾学位的波士顿州立大学毕业生, 你将具备与人合作的技能, 家庭, 团体和组织并帮助解决物质使用问题, 创伤和许多其他人类挑战. You may even have the opportunity to analyze and recommend policies that support the public and private sector efforts and explore ways to support change. 你的社会工作研究生学位可以为你打开以下的大门:

  • 临床社会工作
  • 社区发展机构
  • 儿童福利和人类服务机构
  • 诊所和医院
  • 学校
  • 私人诊所

的 outlook for employment in the social work space is especially bright, according to the U.S. 劳工统计局. 社会工作者的工作预计会增加






Bridgewater offers competitive tuition and fees for graduate students both in and out of state.


View our graduate events page to RSVP to information sessions, workshops and seminars.


Create an account to start your application to a graduate program today!