
Financial Aid Programs

ladbrokes立博中文版参加了各种各样的联邦大学, state, institutional, and private financial aid programs. 这些项目可以分为三类:助学金/捐赠援助、勤工俭学和贷款. 一旦你的FAFSA被处理,并且BSU根据你的资格授予你经济援助,你将收到一封奖励信. 

请记住,当你需要经济援助来支付大学费用时,你的学生注册很重要. For financial aid purposes, “本科课程作业”指的是攻读第一个本科学位的学生. Enrollment levels are as follows: full time: 12 or more credits; three quarter time: 9 to 11 credits, half time: 6 to 8 credits; less than half time: 1 to 5 credits. 如果你不打算成为全职学生,一定要联系财务援助办公室. 奖励信只反映全日制,当你一个学期的学分低于12个学分时,你的经济援助和计费费用就会减少.

How to Apply for Federal Student Aid       After the FAFSA: What Happens Next?

The Financial Aid Process

如果你打算上ladbrokes立博中文版,那么你需要去参观 fafsa.gov 并填写FAFSA表格来申请联邦学生援助. FAFSA在每年的10月1日提供,并且是免费的. 只要BSU被选为FAFSA上的学院之一, 我们会根据你提供的信息来决定你能得到多少援助. For this reason, 重要的是,你提供的信息是准确的和最新的, but if needed, you can go back and make changes.

一旦你完成了申请,你将收到一封来自BSU的奖励信,其中详细说明了我们能够为你提供的所有经济援助选择. 一般来说,这些选择分为三类:助学金、勤工俭学计划和贷款.

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助学金是赠予你的一种经济援助,通常不需要偿还. 北京州立大学学生的助学金来源多种多样, including the federal government, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, BSU itself or a private or nonprofit organization. 对你感兴趣的助学金进行研究是很重要的, and their eligibility requirements, 就好像你在获得资助后无法满足这些要求一样, you may have to pay the money back. 助学金通常不能覆盖大学教育的全部费用, though, and you may need additional assistance.

Learn More about Grants offered at BSU »

Work-Study Programs

勤工俭学计划为本科生和研究生提供兼职工作,不仅可以帮助你在入学期间支付大学费用, 而且还能提供宝贵的工作经验,对你未来的职业生涯有帮助. 全日制和非全日制学生都可以参加,你有很多选择, both on and off-campus. 不管你学习的是哪个领域,也不管你选择的是哪个项目, 你的工作时间不能超过你得到的奖励, 但是你的课程安排和学习进度会在分配给你的时候被考虑.

Learn More about Work-Study Programs offered at BSU »


贷款不同于助学金和勤工俭学,因为钱只是借来的, meaning you'll need to pay it back. It's important that you only borrow what you need, 因为学生贷款和其他贷款一样,都是要带着利息偿还的. 在接受贷款之前做大量的研究是至关重要的,这样你就能明白你同意的是什么.

Student loans at BSU, 通常来自三个来源之一:联邦政府, 马萨诸塞州联邦和私人机构, such as banks or lenders. 联邦和州贷款通常比私人贷款有更多的好处,而且往往更灵活. And in some cases, based on your employment or line of work, your federal loans may be forgiven entirely. 联邦和州贷款通常提供的一些好处包括:

  • 较低的固定利率或根本没有利息(在马萨诸塞州无息贷款的情况下)
  • Customized repayment plans
  • Adjusting loan payments based on income
  • Deducting student loan interest from your taxes
  • 将符合条件的联邦学生贷款合并为一个月付款

Learn More about Loan Programs offered at BSU »

Responsible Borrowing

College is an important step for many, 有很多选择可以帮助你支付费用, but grants, work-study programs, 而且/或奖学金可能不足以支付费用. This is where student loans come in. Getting a loan is a big decision, as you could be paying it back for a decade or more, 所以做足调查,只接受你需要的是很重要的, since you'll need to pay that money back, often with interest, once you graduate.


  • 你需要的数量通常取决于你所处的位置. 位于马萨诸塞州的州立学校和社区学院对该州居民来说通常费用较低.
  • 了解一下自己毕业后能挣多少钱. 根据你选择的领域或职业,起薪差别很大, 因此,值得考虑的是,你的贷款将在多大程度上影响你未来的财务状况. 一旦你毕业,你的贷款应该只占你工资的一小部分.

Once you've decided how much you'll need to borrow, 你需要签一份本票:偿还贷款的协议. 你保存一份这份文件的副本以作记录是很重要的. Once it's time to begin paying back your loans, 你会想要与你的贷款服务商保持联系,这样你就知道如何付款. 大多数贷款人提供多种选择来偿还贷款, and should have a way to contact them either online, by phone, 如果您需要进一步的帮助或有任何问题,也可以通过电子邮件发送.



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